I saw it with my own eyes! Two rooms are above mine!
Yet I asked for the most expensive and highest of the rooms! I MUST have the highest tower!
Otherwise, it's not in my leage!
But these rooms were given to honor two most important persons!
More important than me?
Hey, do you know who my father is?
Your... benevolent father... doesn't give you rights on the room of your choice...
No, but he gives me the immunity "spoiled brat"...
You know that, I think. I means I can scorch your head if I want!
She's serious, you know.
I'm... sorry... but we gave the rooms to the two great heroes who killed the dragon lord!
They are here!?
So what do you think, between you and them, who do we fear most? Heroes who could kill a dragon or... a magician student?
Who didn't graduate yet.
A beginner.
An apprentice.
Level one.
Ok, I got it.
Amazing, just amazing !
bimbodeluxe 03/18/2011 15:40:00Keep on rocking guys ♥♥♥ ! I want more Hemispheres
TOTALLY EPIC !!! Yes yes, I'm Epic Man lol
EpicMan 03/18/2011 19:20:03yeees that's very cool !
Mathilda 03/18/2011 19:46:30butbut butbut butbut where is the kid we see in the first page ? Two worlds or the same world ? DImensions ? Harry potter lol
You'll know about this a little later
Salagir 03/24/2011 09:24:36Mathilda のコメント:yeees that's very cool !
Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 16:35:27butbut butbut butbut where is the kid we see in the first page ? Two worlds or the same world ? DImensions ? Harry potter lol
Tow worlds, maybe, like some RPG I played some years ago...
Cute cat!!!
gianna 03/23/2011 23:32:57チーム
gianna のコメント:Cute cat!!!
TroyB 03/24/2011 09:58:33Indeed
Welcome here Gianna, glad you like the comics on Amilova... thanks for reading us and thanks for your support, hope you'll like the new pages coming

gianna 03/24/2011 17:06:34It would be awesome if you translate it into spanish.
Another evil cats I wonder if they're cousins also, "Heroes" huh? i bet they're jerks, a hero is respected and that's why you give em a good room not feared.
Thegreatsaiyaman 05/26/2011 01:04:57Thegreatsaiyaman のコメント:Another evil cats I wonder if they're cousins also, "Heroes" huh? i bet they're jerks, a hero is respected and that's why you give em a good room not feared.
Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 16:36:40I agree. Heroes must give a holy air, benevolence, and not inspire evil through fear.
"Spoiled brat" is a imunnity to what?
Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 16:37:27Diogenes Mota のコメント:"Spoiled brat" is a imunnity to what? Maybe it doesn't work in english ? in french having immunity is having a privilege, protection, like "immunité diplomatique", i think she's saying that having a rich daddy gives her the right to behave like that
Esteryn 08/13/2011 15:20:35"the immunity spoiled brad" ^.^ funny, love the cat too !
Esteryn 08/13/2011 15:25:23