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El Oráculo de la Luna

El Oráculo de la Luna : comic cover

Every year, warriors from distant countries risk their lives on a long journey to get an elixir that prolongs the life of a priestess who can cure any disease ...

Every year, young warriors, after spending terrible trials to demonstrate their value, starts the Oracle from the moon to meet with his enigmatic priestess. This young ka-in has the gift of healing and can heal with a touch of his hand any very serious disease that is ...

作画 :

Original Language : Español

更新日 : Finished

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF

タイプ : 漫画

14 comments in other languages.

trudex trudex 7月28日 1章1頁 agree :)
rileyb10 rileyb10 10月16日 1章1頁 front page looks cool

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