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3 コメント
Sool 15

Huuuum some text's missing

By the way cool page

Sool 04/05/2011 23:14:31   
johandark 34

yeah... but even without text... images tell a story... and that´s really cool. It means that the artist know really well how to distribute images, independently from the text. really nice

johandark 04/06/2011 13:52:18   
Sool 15

johandark のコメント:yeah... but even without text... images tell a story... and that´s really cool. It means that the artist know really well how to distribute images, independently from the text. really nice

yes you're totally right .
You're good at it too with your comics .

Sool 04/06/2011 16:13:58   
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Available on the Shoreのチームについて

Available on the Shore: cover




著者 : ,

チーム :

翻訳 : diogo

Original Language: Français

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : コメディ

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