チーム : Drawly, Niiii' Link, Gokuten, MelodyYukai, Robot Panda
翻訳 : Drawly
Original Language: Français
公開のペース: 土曜日
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
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Jajajaja...That´s the real question!!!!!
gianna 04/23/2011 17:44:33Wait! The son´s Goku is a...girl!?
Olalla 04/23/2011 21:45:16著者
The hidden truth!!
Salagir 04/25/2011 08:11:55

gianna 05/03/2011 17:30:19no sh*t sherlock
Dragonsoul 10/26/2017 19:28:54Why Daisy as Gohan?
kittysweet 03/25/2012 07:20:21lol..its different but, i realy enjoy on reading this book..thank you admin..
BantatonBah 10/19/2013 21:26:12The dreaded Tanuki tail...I know it well.
TDBanimefan 08/24/2015 17:13:49