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6 コメント
johandark 34

Jaume in the 2020 when he was 19 years old! Remember that the story happens at 2023. 3 years later.

This document is writed by Margaux Lecercle.

johandark 10/10/2011 17:30:02   
lysgris 8

Well ,it's nothing but it confuse me a bit , the sagrada familia , here , is translated by "the holy familly" , but it's an actual name so maybe it would be better to stay with the spanish one. I did in french.

lysgris 10/10/2011 21:13:10   
johandark 34

lysgris のコメント:Well ,it's nothing but it confuse me a bit , the sagrada familia , here , is translated by "the holy familly" , but it's an actual name so maybe it would be better to stay with the spanish one. I did in french.

Yep... maybe you are right... i will fix it tomorrow ^^ thanks!

johandark 10/10/2011 21:17:02   
mcgrnwlf 8

X3 haha he can't fit all his weaknesses

mcgrnwlf 10/12/2011 16:08:19   
johandark 34

mcgrnwlf のコメント:X3 haha he can't fit all his weaknesses

He has a lot! xD and seen by woman´s eyes, he has still more defects!

johandark 10/12/2011 17:39:01   
attack on titan jack 1

attack on titan jack 03/29/2016 14:09:52   
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ARKHAM rootsのチームについて

ARKHAM roots: cover




著者 :

チーム : , , , , , , , , , , ,

翻訳 : evajung

Original Language: Español

公開のペース: 月曜日, 水曜日, 金曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF

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