Great shoujo! Love the colours
SAMUS=ALLAN のコメント:Great shoujo! Love the colours thank you though I intended this manga into shounen, lol.. my failure XD hehe
nilanandita のコメント: SAMUS=ALLAN のコメント:Great shoujo! Love the colours thank you though I intended this manga into shounen, lol.. my failure XD hehe Ooops!!! I've made a mistake, I wanted to say shounen :]
Wow! The grafics are awesome! Love it *--*
thank you so much
yeah, big level! Great graphics and nice colors. I love your style!!
like this manga its good
yay, thank you
looks pretty good
OMG! i love it! <3
This book is awesome
著者 : nilanandita
Original Language: English
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
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による Europale98, Tsubaki de Vela
1349年。聖闘士達は冥王ハーデスとの聖戦を生き残って、聖域に戻る。し かしそこで更に恐ろしい戦争が待っている。
ページ: 31
更新された: 4月28日
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ページ: 151
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による さぎなだ けい
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Great shoujo! Love the colours
SAMUS=ALLAN 04/04/2012 08:33:13著者
SAMUS=ALLAN のコメント:Great shoujo! Love the colours
though I intended this manga into shounen, lol.. my failure XD hehe
nilanandita 04/05/2012 11:42:37thank you
nilanandita のコメント: SAMUS=ALLAN のコメント:Great shoujo! Love the colours
though I intended this manga into shounen, lol.. my failure XD hehe
SAMUS=ALLAN 04/09/2012 11:45:53thank you
I've made a mistake, I wanted to say shounen :]
Wow! The grafics are awesome! Love it *--*
lig47 01/04/2013 19:17:11著者
thank you so much
nilanandita 01/13/2013 08:53:55yeah, big level! Great graphics and nice colors. I love your style!!
Ashura Thor 02/28/2013 01:26:23著者
thank you so much
nilanandita 03/05/2013 14:52:35like this manga its good
musicgirl 06/28/2013 22:38:01著者
yay, thank you
nilanandita 08/28/2013 21:42:30looks pretty good
Black butler 10/01/2013 19:38:22OMG! i love it! <3
Bloody_Outcast 12/08/2015 13:02:22This book is awesome
LORD CIEL 01/13/2017 02:36:04