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14 コメント
Cosmicos 4

Awesome work! jajajajaja

Cosmicos 04/17/2012 15:25:52   
Xanditz 1

Awesome art, I loved your style and the comics is funny too! Congratz, man!

Xanditz 04/18/2012 05:14:02   
Leth.hate 2

Xanditz のコメント:Awesome art, I loved your style and the comics is funny too! Congratz, man!

Leth.hate 04/26/2012 15:46:21   
Leth.hate 2


Leth.hate 04/26/2012 15:46:32   
Robot Panda 7

They way you're destroying all boundaries is awesome - it's a filthy comic, that takes its readers beyond any border that exists and makes 'em happy to cross it. Humor the way it should be. It's awesome. Can't wait for more! ^^

Robot Panda 04/26/2012 16:38:57   
Leth.hate 2

Robot Panda のコメント:They way you're destroying all boundaries is awesome - it's a filthy comic, that takes its readers beyond any border that exists and makes 'em happy to cross it. Humor the way it should be. It's awesome. Can't wait for more! ^^

Thanks! This is the first comic where I consciously did not restrained myself or self censor. I'm glad you like it!

Leth.hate 04/27/2012 17:37:55   
PartyGirl 5

Leth.hate のコメント: Robot Panda のコメント:They way you're destroying all boundaries is awesome - it's a filthy comic, that takes its readers beyond any border that exists and makes 'em happy to cross it. Humor the way it should be. It's awesome. Can't wait for more! ^^

Thanks! This is the first comic where I consciously did not restrained myself or self censor. I'm glad you like it!

Thanks Leth your comic rocks !
And well if you have other comics pls find the time to publish them around here it would be so awesome thanks :P

PartyGirl 05/16/2012 18:19:22   
BlogEtMéchant 27

Made my day too.
Didn't know i'll find such a good comic today when i came here to see if there was some new ones.

BlogEtMéchant 04/27/2012 14:57:07   
Leth.hate 2

BlogEtMéchant のコメント:Made my day too.
Didn't know i'll find such a good comic today when i came here to see if there was some new ones.


Leth.hate 04/27/2012 17:38:06   
TroyB 41

Is that reaaaally the end ?

TroyB 05/01/2012 22:48:45   
Mart 17

TroyB のコメント:Is that reaaaally the end ?


Mart 05/02/2012 09:15:51   
PartyGirl 5

Mart のコメント: TroyB のコメント:Is that reaaaally the end ?


Hey cool it's not the end, I did not know there was new pages... I will 'follow this comic by mail" now

PartyGirl 05/16/2012 18:18:40   
JggRsNipR 1


JggRsNipR 04/21/2013 22:38:54   
ToragaMM 1

Giselle lost her virginity... to twincest with her sister?

ToragaMM 08/03/2013 18:53:20   
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Leth Hate: cover




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Original Language: English

タイプ : 漫画

ジャンル : コメディ


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