Question > do you feel more like being in the "manga" or "comic" category ?
TroyB のコメント:Question > do you feel more like being in the "manga" or "comic" category ? I feel like I have a bit of manga style, so I am fine with that category. Thank you!
Rennakins のコメント: TroyB のコメント:Question > do you feel more like being in the "manga" or "comic" category ? I feel like I have a bit of manga style, so I am fine with that category. Thank you! ok perfect
著者 : Rennakins
チーム : fikiri
Original Language: English
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : ロマンス
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妖艶な魅力を持つ魔族・赦羅が龍神の指令を受けてこの世とあの世の堺で活躍。 人間の少女達の闇の心を光に変えられるか?
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Question > do you feel more like being in the "manga" or "comic" category ?
TroyB 05/28/2012 12:04:48著者
TroyB のコメント:Question > do you feel more like being in the "manga" or "comic" category ?
Rennakins 05/28/2012 16:58:22I feel like I have a bit of manga style, so I am fine with that category. Thank you!
Rennakins のコメント: TroyB のコメント:Question > do you feel more like being in the "manga" or "comic" category ?
TroyB 05/28/2012 16:59:06I feel like I have a bit of manga style, so I am fine with that category. Thank you!
ok perfect