This is the cameo page, it have a lot of our readers and members of tarasu. Starting top left is Yerai. At the right top is Valara, character of the winner of our monster desing contest, Josu Castro. At the mid left is Byto, and at the right mid are Crystal and Starte At the left bottom are Atesaki and Andergumy, and finally behind the desk are Cosmo and Sayuri. Maybe more cameos will appear in the future
著者 : Guildadventure
チーム : Tony Dias Goncalves, Rambam, Bellatrice
Original Language: Español
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
You can translate this comic via our online interface. Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude. Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds.
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による Europale98, Tsubaki de Vela
1349年。聖闘士達は冥王ハーデスとの聖戦を生き残って、聖域に戻る。し かしそこで更に恐ろしい戦争が待っている。
ページ: 31
更新された: 4月28日
による Gogéta Jr, TroyB
ページ: 151
更新された: 4月16日
による さぎなだ けい
ページ: 238
更新された: 11月11日
This is the cameo page, it have a lot of our readers and members of tarasu.
Guildadventure 06/11/2012 00:36:33Starting top left is Yerai. At the right top is Valara, character of the winner of our monster desing contest, Josu Castro.
At the mid left is Byto, and at the right mid are Crystal and Starte
At the left bottom are Atesaki and Andergumy, and finally behind the desk are Cosmo and Sayuri.
Maybe more cameos will appear in the future