I don't see why not knowing Kami he would release and then put him back
Probably not but I mean he has Popo who is also stronger than Piccilo Diamao..so it shouldn't be an issue Popo can restrain him while Kami puts him back
Translate AnimeChicken 04/06/2018 21:42:48Those demons should'nt trust Kami Sama. Despite of promise to release Piccolo, Kami should have promise to kill them if they don't obey.
Translate Cell3 04/04/2018 10:37:09タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : ロマンス
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XD me ha recordado a One Piece y los momentos de idiotez... XD
Cazadragones 05/11/2013 12:57:27著者
sii, quise hacer alguna escenita cómica jajaj y esta me encanta xD
AngelCelestial 07/29/2013 13:41:22