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6 コメント
KenB 7

I'm guessing this is a flashback of the enemy. Will it cause him to come back stronger?

KenB 09/12/2012 06:41:07   
TroyB 41

I can't believe you've drawn so many pages... how many YEARS have you been working on that project ?

TroyB 09/13/2012 09:37:46   
Taresh 2

lol well ive got 39 issues and 2 specials, which comes to about 820 page so far,
over 2 and 1/2 years. though i'd been planning writing and re-writing it for about 6 years before that :S
TroyB のコメント:I can't believe you've drawn so many pages... how many YEARS have you been working on that project ?

Taresh 09/14/2012 09:32:58   
KenB 7

Taresh のコメント:lol well ive got 39 issues and 2 specials, which comes to about 820 page so far,
over 2 and 1/2 years. though i'd been planning writing and re-writing it for about 6 years before that :S

All great stories need to have some back story. The time spent shows in the work

KenB 09/24/2012 08:11:35   
coldasice 1

keep it up im liking this series :=)

coldasice 09/24/2012 04:34:13   
McLeod 15

coldasice のコメント:keep it up im liking this series :=)

yes me too

McLeod 09/24/2012 18:11:22   
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