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7 コメント
Hitsugaya 1

Very cool !!! Just the title "Mannheim" is weird but the rest is excellent !

Hitsugaya 09/29/2011 20:46:06   
joejunker 1

It's a really interesting start !!! The story sounds different, starts directly with action and a clear scenario... great great potentiel there !!!

joejunker 09/30/2011 07:22:53   
Renji 1

your mannheim is very cool it has style !!!

Renji 10/13/2011 23:53:32   
Leorio 1

cool but there are more pages in french :-( you don't like us as much as we love you T_T' ? Kidding

Leorio 10/14/2011 05:47:00   
studio.takoyaki 32

Leorio のコメント:cool but there are more pages in french :-( you don't like us as much as we love you T_T' ? Kidding
Furo the translator) He diddn't post the without text version. I'm waiting them to translate.

studio.takoyaki 10/14/2011 06:11:04   
TroyB 41

Hi dear Amilovers . I've fixed all balloons on Mannheim, added the new cool font... please enjoy now this excellent manga the fullest . And give us feedback and comments .

TroyB 11/10/2011 16:59:00   
Strawberry 10

Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm uploading the untexted version of Mannheim. You'll be able to see the translated version as soon as possible. Thanks to Furo and TroyB for the translation they've done.
I hope the continuation of my story will enjoy you and I will be glad if you vote for me !
I'll do my best to offer you a great heroic-fantasy tale and I really appreciate your comments. Thanks a lot readers !
See you soon !

Strawberry 11/10/2011 18:01:38   
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Mannheim: cover




著者 :

チーム : ,

翻訳 : TroyB

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 金曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF


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