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8 コメント
TroyB 41

Ok I'm back on tracks, translations is up to date now !!!
But the way... books are now available on Amazon, wooooooot !

Sorry for now it's just in french... but if you like Amilova, if you like the project... please support us by buying the books .

TroyB 11/02/2011 16:20:32   

She got WHIPPED mentally

Will she get WHIPPED physically now ?

Answer next page !

MALEM 11/03/2011 20:25:05   
TroyB 41

MALEM のコメント:She got WHIPPED mentally

Will she get WHIPPED physically now ?

Answer next page !

Did you get a good answer ?

TroyB 11/11/2011 09:48:09   
gui19900221 3

I think that girl wants Amilova to be clubbed, otherwise she would have advised her to duck. Hopefully, she is more resistant to those blows than normal humans, otherwise she'll be in trouble.

gui19900221 11/03/2011 21:27:21   
TroyB 41

gui19900221 のコメント:I think that girl wants Amilova to be clubbed, otherwise she would have advised her to duck.

She might be nasty like that... who knows .
Clubbed or not, answer next page .

TroyB 11/04/2011 11:48:55   
Esteryn 33

Amilova's personality changes so fast, it's a bit scary ^.^' her powers giver her a little schyzophrenia don't they ?

Esteryn 11/07/2011 13:14:48   
TroyB 41

Esteryn のコメント:Amilova's personality changes so fast, it's a bit scary ^.^' her powers giver her a little schyzophrenia don't they ?

Well I think we can tell that .
It seems like it's a bit like being drunk

TroyB 11/11/2011 09:47:26   
Esteryn 33

The other girl sobered her up pretty fast She's better than alka seltzer !

Esteryn 11/11/2011 09:53:14   

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Amilova: cover




著者 : , ,

チーム : , , , ,

翻訳 : TroyB

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 日曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : アクション

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