著者 : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
チーム : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
翻訳 : tze
Original Language: Français
公開のペース: 日曜日
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
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Thanks for the translation Adamantine
TroyB 04/03/2012 15:42:17I wonder if anyone can find what is her trick
TroyB のコメント:Thanks for the translation Adamantine
Adamantine 04/03/2012 17:58:21I wonder if anyone can find what is her trick
Well, I was baffled/surprised when I saw her trick... I doubt one will guess :p
hey when will this get update
yoh 04/04/2012 04:59:29著者
yoh のコメント:hey when will this get update
TroyB 04/04/2012 08:11:17In a few hours
The last panel should be Impressive, not Impressing.
TexasSnyper 04/04/2012 13:48:34hm...another tactic might have been thinking in another language.
mcgrnwlf 04/09/2012 05:30:14X3 that's throw me off if i was a mind reader