Imperfect: チャプター 1, ページ 17 コメント ♥アミロバー♥の最新の漫画を読んでください! Sat, 21 Sep 2024 07:42:08 +0000 Kinkgirl のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=343019#RClast Kinkgirl johandark のコメント:and sorry for this discussion here Pehesse and Kingirl xD No problem . Thu, 29 Sep 2011 18:31:35 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342968#RClast johandark jajaja. Don´t confuse me... There aren´t comics so complicateds like Arkham for example... Where I do a Dark Story with a lot of mysteries... > If you want to make something intelligent, it will attract audience as well. When making a comic, you should just make sure to keep its integrity, stay true to its idea and purpose, so you don't lose whatever audience you have. Yeah... That´s for sure... But i´m not talking about the story... I´m talking about the narrative or stuff that someone can forget... you must put yourself on the reader side. Where you don´t know anything about the story, everything is new... In my beginings I did stories where I just explain things at start, and don´t mention it at the rest of the comic, because I already told it!... But a READER. has a lot of things to have in mind. Like videogames, school, work,... Comics is an enterteinment for him... A THING that can enjoy reading... So you have to put the things easy for him. (It doesn´t mean that you can´t do serious and mistery matters where you don´t explain everything..). But the main story have to be clear. It´s not treat a reader like a dumb... is treat a reader as lazy person who has a lot of others things to do apart from reading your comic... So to simplify and understand better the word "lazy" is better have in mind the word "dumb"... of course readers are not stupid... xD Thanks for your effort to explain me this Panda and sorry for this discussion here Pehesse and Kingirl xD Thu, 29 Sep 2011 17:51:04 +0000 Robot Panda のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342876#RClast Robot Panda johandark のコメント:(Once a teacher told me. Think that a reader is a really fucking stupid dumb. Then you will do great comics). mm.. a little hard... but true... Not really. You should treat your readers as smart people and create something good with that in mind. You don't need to cater to stupid sheep to make a good comic. You should probably disregard other advises that teacher gave you. Your readers aren't stupid, if they were, they'd be playing Black Opz or MW2, they wouldn't be reading comics. xD Basically you should know what your comics is, and if it is something simple and/or stupid, keep it that way, it will attract audience. If you want to make something intelligent, it will attract audience as well. When making a comic, you should just make sure to keep its integrity, stay true to its idea and purpose, so you don't lose whatever audience you have. And again, don't treat people as stupid Thu, 29 Sep 2011 14:59:46 +0000 Pehesse のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342826#RClast Pehesse johandark のコメント: Well at the beginning you should do the same... and when the reader have clearly that they are different persons in different times... then... you can change camera positions and show other things. (even the room, details like hands and other staff) but first is important let it really clear to the reader xD (Once a teacher told me. Think that a reader is a really fucking stupid dumb. Then you will do great comics). mm.. a little hard... but true... Heh heh :-D Sounds like a view on life and people you could apply to lots of things :-p But should we ever, really ? :-p Anyway, you're right about that, we should make it clearer. We'll do another pass on everything :-) Thu, 29 Sep 2011 12:32:40 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342819#RClast johandark Pehesse のコメント: johandark のコメント:Well I think that it could be more clearly if the actions of the past and the present would be exactly the same ones... but with diferent intentions (one is raping, and the other one is enjoying the time), Just changing the background and the girl.. and it would be more obviously... The thing more obvious to make different the girls is the nose and hair... but the rest is exactly the same. (except the background... good work BTW... nice boobs of both girls undefined Yup, that's eventually what happens during the next page :-D Making the whole scene like that would have been sort of visually redundant and uninteresting, though, for a few reasons.. or at least, that's what I believe. But you're definitely right, and the first early versions of the scene had both sides of the page using the very same positions/situations. Maybe we should have left it at that :-) Well at the beginning you should do the same... and when the reader have clearly that they are different persons in different times... then... you can change camera positions and show other things. (even the room, details like hands and other staff) but first is important let it really clear to the reader xD (Once a teacher told me. Think that a reader is a really fucking stupid dumb. Then you will do great comics). mm.. a little hard... but true... Thu, 29 Sep 2011 11:57:47 +0000 Pehesse のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342816#RClast Pehesse johandark のコメント:Well I think that it could be more clearly if the actions of the past and the present would be exactly the same ones... but with diferent intentions (one is raping, and the other one is enjoying the time), Just changing the background and the girl.. and it would be more obviously... The thing more obvious to make different the girls is the nose and hair... but the rest is exactly the same. (except the background... good work BTW... nice boobs of both girls undefined Yup, that's eventually what happens during the next page :-D Making the whole scene like that would have been sort of visually redundant and uninteresting, though, for a few reasons.. or at least, that's what I believe. But you're definitely right, and the first early versions of the scene had both sides of the page using the very same positions/situations. Maybe we should have left it at that :-) Thu, 29 Sep 2011 11:54:47 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342814#RClast johandark Well I think that it could be more clearly if the actions of the past and the present would be exactly the same ones... but with diferent intentions (one is raping, and the other one is enjoying the time), Just changing the background and the girl.. and it would be more obviously... The thing more obvious to make different the girls is the nose and hair... but the rest is exactly the same. (except the background... good work BTW... nice boobs of both girls :P Thu, 29 Sep 2011 11:50:12 +0000 Pehesse のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342801#RClast Pehesse McLeod のコメント: Pehesse のコメント: McLeod のコメント:I might be a little bit dduuuumb but I don't understand... is the Guy fucking Kinkgirl a clone of Ian-Kun ? Actually, the two sides of the page show different times - on the left is sort of a flashback, with Eriko and Ian, and on the right is the current time, where Ian does his thing with Kinkgirl. The opposition is meant to show and oppose two attitudes Ian searches for during sex - consensual desire and restraint... but it was probably not shown well enough to be clear, sorry about that. Oh ok fine got it now . Maybe you should find more "narration codes" to make it more understandable. Or maybe I'm just duuuUuUumb and I'm the only one not understanding clearly. WHich is totally possible. Well, no matter the intention, if nobody gets it, we can't really say anyone's dumb - but the authors are most definitely wrong :-) so okay, we'll try to make it clearer - perhaps it would be already by reading all pages at once in a single volume (we wish :-p), but for right now... we'll think of something. Thu, 29 Sep 2011 11:11:15 +0000 McLeod のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342792#RClast McLeod Pehesse のコメント: McLeod のコメント:I might be a little bit dduuuumb but I don't understand... is the Guy fucking Kinkgirl a clone of Ian-Kun ? Actually, the two sides of the page show different times - on the left is sort of a flashback, with Eriko and Ian, and on the right is the current time, where Ian does his thing with Kinkgirl. The opposition is meant to show and oppose two attitudes Ian searches for during sex - consensual desire and restraint... but it was probably not shown well enough to be clear, sorry about that. Oh ok fine got it now . Maybe you should find more "narration codes" to make it more understandable. Or maybe I'm just duuuUuUumb and I'm the only one not understanding clearly. WHich is totally possible. Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:53:40 +0000 Pehesse のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342760#RClast Pehesse McLeod のコメント:I might be a little bit dduuuumb but I don't understand... is the Guy fucking Kinkgirl a clone of Ian-Kun ? Actually, the two sides of the page show different times - on the left is sort of a flashback, with Eriko and Ian, and on the right is the current time, where Ian does his thing with Kinkgirl. The opposition is meant to show and oppose two attitudes Ian searches for during sex - consensual desire and restraint... but it was probably not shown well enough to be clear, sorry about that. Thu, 29 Sep 2011 09:59:29 +0000 McLeod のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-17.html?c=342749#RClast McLeod I might be a little bit dduuuumb but I don't understand... is the Guy fucking Kinkgirl a clone of Ian-Kun ? Thu, 29 Sep 2011 09:32:09 +0000