Only Two: チャプター 1, ページ 6 コメント ♥アミロバー♥の最新の漫画を読んでください! Sat, 21 Sep 2024 09:31:42 +0000 OteKaï のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-6.html?c=424855#RClast OteKaï Robot Panda のコメント:Congratulations on the 2nd place! Oh... your comic was a lie by the way. Judging by the cover I expected much more sexy action and all I got was... a comic that I really enjoyed reading ^^ Thank you! Yes the cover is one of the pieges of the story! Im happy that the story enjoy you ! (excuse me for my english, i don t speak english very well XD) Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:08:29 +0000 Robot Panda のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-6.html?c=424831#RClast Robot Panda Congratulations on the 2nd place! Oh... your comic was a lie by the way. Judging by the cover I expected much more sexy action and all I got was... a comic that I really enjoyed reading ^^ Fri, 16 Mar 2012 15:31:30 +0000