アーカム ルーツ: チャプター 13, ページ 25 コメント ♥アミロバー♥の最新の漫画を読んでください! Fri, 20 Sep 2024 04:57:55 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=499535#RClast johandark jejeje I hope it so... But I prefer to be pesimist, than be too optimist and lie you all. It all depends on time and much more things... but as I said... Time to time... I don´t know what will happen to me in three months... xD Thanks for commenting SALUT! Fri, 02 Nov 2012 01:23:49 +0000 Tsuyoi Imo のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=499412#RClast Tsuyoi Imo Well, when we see your drawing and inking skills, we can already think you're a professional but apprently not yet^^ But if you stop Arkham after chapter 15 to have more time to become a professional, nothing refrain you from retrieve it later and finish this project. Maybe as your first as-professional finished project^^ Thu, 01 Nov 2012 18:09:11 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=498659#RClast johandark Well... time has not arrived yet jeje... I don´t know what I will do on Genuary, by now I´m learning a new program such as Manga Studio EX4 to try to improve my drawing and inking skills. The basic thing is that I did not projected ARKHAM roots as a simple free webcomic, from the beginning I intented to make this to my rocket for to be a professional comic artist, that´s why I worked so hard to do 5 pages per week. The thing is that if now I just publish one page per week, it will be just only a "hobby", and that´s the last thing I want. And by another way... I made this story too long for no enough readers, Amilova has crushed and broken my contract with them (for obvious reason of lack of money), and a lot more things that are probably more personals than anything. I´m now publishing this comic step by step in another parts to try to make people come here too, to see if this comic has future or not... But well... Time to time... I promise I will end chapter 15 for sure. Later that... I don´t know yet... But surely I will not continue it if it´s just a Hobby... Sorry for all my readers, but I´m trying to be a profesional (even if it is only a dream and I am a dreamer, I trust I will do archive it someday). THANKS FOR ALL and Arkham Roots it´s not over (yet). SALUT! Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:56:16 +0000 Marialexie のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=498646#RClast Marialexie I can understand how you feel. I'm an author as well so I know what is it to spend many hours on a page. I understand how hard its is to not have much support from readers. But trust me when I say you have true fans. As I say to you at Japan Expo I like Arkham very much and I can't wait to have it in book or Ebook. So please take all the time you need to draw but don't leave the comics. If you need holidays ok, If you draw only one page a month OK ! True fans can understand that, the others...just f*ck them ! Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:09:52 +0000 Marialexie のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=498644#RClast Marialexie Totally agree with Tsuyoi imo !! Take your time to draw but don't leave the story ! Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:01:43 +0000 Tsuyoi Imo のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=498639#RClast Tsuyoi Imo I can guess how hard it is and how long it takes you to draw this manga, but you can't decently leave the story at the point it is... I WANT TO KNOW THE END!!! And i don't agree with you. Ok, people is a bit disapointed about the releasing rhythm because they can't wait knowing what is going to happen, but they really appreciate what you do, they encourage you, and you even got fans! (at least 2, including me^^). Even if it only is 3 pages a week, people won't yell at you because it's too slow, we're not in a chinese factory! Moreover, most of Amilova's comics have a release rate of about 2 or 3 pages a week, so it's quite normal. Tue, 30 Oct 2012 11:52:42 +0000 Tsuyoi Imo のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=498637#RClast Tsuyoi Imo I really hope that you won't let your story at this point, cuz it's far away from finished, and I can easily guess how hard and how long it takes to do a manga, but you've got all my support and I really hope that Amilova will still live as long as possible. And yeah, I hope things will change in the right sense, because it's quite depressing right now to see this website having such financial difficulties... And I don't agree with you. Ok, people is a bit disapointed about the releasing rhythm because they can't wait for knowing what's going to happen, but they really appreciate your job and try to encourage you so you don't give up. Tue, 30 Oct 2012 11:45:38 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=498248#RClast johandark I really apreciate your effort, your help, and all your time spend on this comic more than you can even imagine. The most afected on this failure in part is me, who I spent a lot of hours, days and months on this project with more than 250 pages. It´s not easy. But mantain a project with less than 3 pages per week is not any productive and readers doesn´t even apreciate it, so there´s no use in that method. But I can´t leave the story as it ends in chapter 14, that´s true, so I will try to end the 15th chapter ... In fact I don´t know if it would be better or worse... but... it´s all I can do, and it will be a good exercise for my new knowledge of the new program, Manga Studio ex 4 that I´m learning now. Thanks for all, and well... it´s not yet a goodbye... There´s a lot of days since all pages will be uploaded... probably next year, so... Who knows what else can happen since that moment? ^^ thank you Mon, 29 Oct 2012 00:07:31 +0000 Tsuyoi Imo のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=498152#RClast Tsuyoi Imo EN : Maybe you're right, maybe there's not enough readers. But i personally try to help this project as much as i can, by buying 1 month premium each with my mobile, by not deleting the ads even though i'm premium, to come and talk as much as possible here, by translating your comic, etc... It takes me time, but i'm proud to help such great people and project. I think that every single user who can afford it should do the same. Your choice is perfectly understandable, everyone needs to survive but please, do not stop your project, don't stop Arkham. Your Comic is one of the website's most read (and my favorite^^), so if you stop it, many people may stop coming on the site, it would be a real disaster. I know that nowadays, Amilova is not as healthy as a few months ago, and that a few comics are being released slower than usually, but no author should stop their project (or only if it is the end of their story) because it would have really serious consequences on the whole website. FR : Tu as peut-être raison, peut-être qu'il n'y a pas assez de lecteurs sur le site. Mais moi personnellement, j'essaie d'aider ce projet autant que je le peux, en prenant un abonnement premium un mois avec mon forfait tous les mois, en laissant les pubs activées même si je suis premium, en participant aussi activement que mon temps libre me le permet, en traduisant des BDs etc... Ça me prend du temps, mais je suis fier de pouvoir aider, à mon échelle, un projet aussi incroyable et des gens aussi investis et plein d'ambitions. Je pense que chaque utilisateur qui en a les moyens, tant financièrement que temporellement, devrait faire pareil. Ton choix est parfaitement compréhensible, tout le monde doit survivre, mais je t'en prie, n'abandonne pas ton projet, ne laisse pas tomber Arkham. Ta BD est l'une des plus lues sur le site (et ma préférée) donc si tu l'abandonnes, certaines personnes risquent d'arrêter de fréquenter le site, ça aurait de lourdes conséquences pour le site tout entier. Je sais qu'au jour d'aujourd'hui, Amilova n'est pas en aussi bonne santé qu'il y a quelques mois, et que certaines BDs sont publiées avec un rythme très ralenti (comme Amilova) mais aucun auteur ne devrait arrêter son projet (sauf si l'histoire est arrivée à sa fin bien sûr) car cela aurait de très graves conséquences pour tout le site. Voilà, désolé pour le pavé. Sun, 28 Oct 2012 18:03:09 +0000 Marialexie のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=497978#RClast Marialexie Sorry, I hope you'll find a job and time to draw Arkham as well (little by little) Sun, 28 Oct 2012 12:07:26 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=497913#RClast johandark Not even enought free readers, if there would be a lot of readers, (like submanga, or Probably Amilova would not have so much problems. But this page is young and it needs time, but I don´t have that time... Sun, 28 Oct 2012 10:44:47 +0000 Marialexie のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=497834#RClast Marialexie Amilova have enough readers but not enough people ready to pay the authors Sun, 28 Oct 2012 06:47:52 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=497823#RClast johandark Chapter 14 will be the last chapter of Arkham probably... since Amilova have crushed his contracts and I have to find a new job to survive, probably I will do the 15th chapter step by step, but it will be slowly than usual... It´s a pity, but amilova has not enough readers to survive.... Sun, 28 Oct 2012 02:05:03 +0000 Tsuyoi Imo のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=497706#RClast Tsuyoi Imo JohanDark : j'ai déjà traduit tout le chapitre 14, après je ne sais pas si tu as déjà publié le chapitre 15... I've already translated the whole chapter 14, I don't know if you've already uploaded chapter 15, but i can't see it... Sat, 27 Oct 2012 15:07:46 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=483264#RClast johandark debyoyo のコメント:Très bon chapitre rempli de mystère, vivement le prochain. J'espère que tu as encore plein d'idées et de nouveaux chapitres en tête Le chapitre suivant doivent encore être traduits, mais il se bloque sur Amilova. hehe Prenez le temps d'être publié afin hehe. Mais je pense qu'il plaira à de nombreux lecteurs. Mon, 17 Sep 2012 10:55:02 +0000 debyoyo のコメント:チャプター-13/ページ-25.html?c=483230#RClast debyoyo Très bon chapitre rempli de mystère, vivement le prochain. J'espère que tu as encore plein d'idées et de nouveaux chapitres en tête Mon, 17 Sep 2012 08:55:50 +0000