What came before...
According to scientific sources, Dethen is a two million years old world.
It is ruled by a rich pantheon of Gods and Demigods that oversee and interact with the mortals.
It's not easy being an atheist on Dethen and certainly not in high-school!
Yi Hufu was an ordinary girl that didn't pay attention in class, unfortunately the class concerned a prerecording of the gods and she is now forced to write a twenty page essay about the importance of religion in Dethen.
In her summer vacation no less.
As Yi Hufu explored Vutmun, the Historical museum, she accidentally released an ancient evil God from its prison. Becoming possessed by it in the process!
With the ancient god released, history may yet be rewritten.
Yi Hufu
A normal fourteen year old girl of mixed descent.
She has little interest in religion but still accidentally unsealed the prison of the Dark God Huan Ra.
Huan Ra
A Dark God of ancient past.
Unsealed and trapped in the body of Yi Hufu, a teenage girl.
Father of Yi and a college level teacher.
He brought his daughter to the Vutmun museum to help her with her summer assignment.
Yi's school friends.
In six days they are headed to the some islands in the Ouo Ocean, where they will spend the summer vacation.
College student and part-time tour guide.
She seems to have a crush on Yi's father.