Author : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Team : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Translation by : petrusmagnus
Original Language: Français
Releasing pace: Sunday
Type : manga
Genre : Action
You can translate this comic via our online interface.
Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude.
Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds. fiz algumas traduções,mas elas ainda n apareceram...
petrusmagnus 10/04/2011 05:34:15depende de checagem antes de ficarem disponíveis,ou eu fiz algum erro na postagem?
I did some translations,but they didn´t appeared till now...
they are deppending on a check before being uploaded,or did I do some mistake?
petrusmagnus fiz algumas traduções,mas elas ainda n apareceram...

TroyB 10/04/2011 13:54:35depende de checagem antes de ficarem disponíveis,ou eu fiz algum erro na postagem?
I did some translations,but they didn´t appeared till now...
they are deppending on a check before being uploaded,or did I do some mistake?
houve um erro e é fixo. obrigado
There was a bug and now it is fixed, thanks