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3 комментарии
Esteryn 33

Funny comic :-)
I think it may be "waste" instead of "waist" of time.

Esteryn 09/16/2011 21:35:19   
lauramma 3

Esteryn сказал:Funny comic :-)
I think it may be "waste" instead of "waist" of time.

Sorry for taking so long to reply >.>''

It's been fixed, thankyou for the warning ^^

lauramma 10/23/2011 02:37:04   
Esteryn 33

no problem ^.^ and you're welcom spelling mistakes are evil little creatures who hide mischieviously in our pages, despite all our attention

Esteryn 10/23/2011 14:28:18   

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The God and the Player: cover




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Original Language: English

Темп публикации: Понедельник, Вторник

Тип : манга

Жанры : Юмор

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