This starting to become repetitive. Probably the last time at least.
Translate Jason Phoenix 05/30/2019 17:04:49Repetitive would be if it was the same character over and over. I believe showing the Z Team taking it's swings in the ways we always wanted to see (instead of all just being weaklings waiting on Goku) is VERY interesting. Particularly showcasing everyone's special moves that get forgotten in Z due to low power levels.
I do not believe anyone would have complained if we were reading it in full form, it is only the waiting for pages that puts people on that negative edge imo.
I loved Gohan's skill equating to letting him fight above his power level, much like Roshi in Super's Tournament of Power.
Thanks for such an awesome story keep it up!
Oh yeah I definitely understand the schedule of a free webcomic. It doesn't bother me at all.
And I really believe that if Toriyama had written this fight it would have gone very similarly as well. Think of how they repeatedly tried and failed against Nappa too. The stakes get higher and higher as the loop goes until people died or something strong enough to stop him landed (in that case Goku).
I think your story is spot on and interesting. And good poing on Raditz being worn down. His own power level would probably read much lower right now than the 1200 we are used to after such a fight and expenditure of energy.
I honestly don't mind these long chapters. It feels like the original DBZ manga with full fights intact, and not like the DBM Specials that normally shorten them. This is supposed to be a faithful recreation of Universe 9 in a manga format. It's going well so far! You stay true to both Toriyama and Salagir, yet give your own unique twist on the source material
Anyway, I agree with everyone getting a fair shot at Raditz. Even with the Earthlings being nearly twice as strong as they were at this point in DBZ, they still are less than or equal to Goku and Piccolo. And even when they teamed up, Goku and Piccolo struggled immensely and couldn't even touch Raditz despite using their fully charged techniques.
The only times they got the upper hand on him was when Goku grabbed Raditz's tail because he personally knew about the Saiyan's tail being their weakness. The Humans in Universe 9 don't know that yet, so they are having a much tougher time. Not only that, but there is no Gohan (the half-Saiyan son of Goku) to get angry and inflict enough damage to Raditz and stun him long enough for Goku to hold his brother down and for to Piccolo kill them both with a Makankosappo. It will take the combined might of everyone to defeat him in Universe 9!
I think the battles with Nappa and Vegeta will be even more interesting, since either Tien or Krillin will train with King Kai and be on a more level playing field with the elite Saiyans since they will have Kaio-ken.
Décidément il y a du monde ! C'est beaucoup moins facile pour Raditz, ce coup-ci, en tout cas il a plus de temps d'apparition.
" il y a du monde" parce que son radar s'affole. Et "cette fois-ci" parce que dans la timeline originale, Raditz ne dure pas si longtemps.
Translate DEMauritius 05/31/2019 13:08:24
L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé.
moiaimebien 03/08/2014 17:58:43Vous risquez de vous retrouvez avec une fille inconnue dans votre lit au réveil.
Ah mais pas forcément vivante non plus et pas forcément une fille aussi
Original comme mise en page.
Vanou Titiyou 03/09/2014 02:51:21Mais il met quoi dans son verre?
debyoyo 03/09/2014 23:01:30Автор
Du Whisky pardis! j'ai presque fait du placement de produit sur ces planches...
mykilow 03/14/2014 18:13:33je parle des cachets dans le fond, on dirait pas que c'est des glaçon mais autre chose, on dirait des pillules
debyoyo 03/14/2014 18:16:46Автор
Ah non, ce sont des glaçons... Ca ne le fait pas?
mykilow 03/14/2014 18:21:33Non mais je trouvais pas que ça avait une tête de glaçon.
debyoyo 03/14/2014 18:27:33Sinon, les puristes te diront que non ça se fait pas de mettre des glaçon dans du whisky après tu fais comme tu veux surtout quand il fait chaud comme dans une boîte de nuit ça évite de boire ton whisky à 30°C mais plus à 17°C donc c'est pas plus mal
Mais tu as raison, moi je bois le whisky sans glace, sec. Les glaçons s'est même sacrilège chez moi.
mykilow 03/14/2014 18:33:43Mais pour le dessin, je trouvais ça + esthétique...??
Après c'est sur un Oban, un Dalwhynnie, un whisky Japonais tu as tout perdu. Sur un jack ça va, au moins il le prends sec pas avec du coca...
debyoyo 03/14/2014 18:35:52En gros il est resté une bonne partie de la soirée assis à picoler! :/
busta_sheitan 04/30/2014 22:54:10