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3 комментарии
Zorga 38

This is great, keep going =). Is this giant sand[whatever] referring to the Dune series?

Zorga 12/30/2013 11:05:01   
VonBoche 6

Not necessarily Dune, no. It's just that sandworms seem pretty cliché to me by now. So many times in fantasy, when there is a desert, there are sandworms of sorts dwelling in it.

VonBoche 01/01/2014 17:07:53   
Zorga 38

Seems like you know more than me on this point, then. I'll think of you next time I encounter one I guess =P.

Zorga 01/01/2014 17:15:58   

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Original Language: English

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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