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3 комментарии
alrickdrinkson 24

Does this charchter with blond hair is a guy? Oo it start to be as confusing a korean cosplayer to guess who is a man and who's a girl...

Luca's face is so funny like wtf he canreally getthat big and he got caught by humans???

alrickdrinkson 11/19/2015 16:30:50   
YonYonYon 6

The person named Varric is a trans man, and the person with blond hair is a trans woman. Also, they're married.

YonYonYon 11/20/2015 03:42:26   
TroyB 41

Thanks for continuing to publish your great art !

TroyB 12/11/2015 09:49:17   

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