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5 комментарии
YonYonYon 6

Here goes the first page from a year long hiatus!
I'm sorry, everyone, for disappearing without a notice. I was caught up in my academic life. Now, I hope everything will go smoothly and I'll be able to update weekly. That's why I chose the first september as a date..

YonYonYon 09/01/2016 14:30:35   
Yamenor Yamada 8

A pleasure to see You back. I looked at this comic every month to see an update on Tapastic, deviantart, Amilova and an Russian site i Think ? Anway is he gonna attack the giant body with this little axe ? Note very Wise Man / Woman # Indentifie as thy selfe # so glad to see you back # to many hastag.

Yamenor Yamada 09/01/2016 16:26:59   
YonYonYon 6

Thanks! I'm sure Varric got that little axe to keep himself calm

YonYonYon 09/01/2016 17:39:16   
Ailiosh 10

happy to see you again XD XD XD

Ailiosh 09/04/2016 03:36:48   
YonYonYon 6


YonYonYon 09/07/2016 13:13:35   

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