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6 комментарии
Icarix Ace 2

Yes, David, smile! Sometimes, the reality is more generous than your imagination could dream...

Icarix Ace 10/27/2013 13:02:49   
SkillDraw 20

I think he's already smiling internally :P

SkillDraw 11/03/2013 21:42:53   
Didules 22

The girls are in a desperate situation, but at least, there is someone who seems to be happy here ^^ Enjoy, man, it's not going to happen every day!!

Thank you for the new pages!! (I couldn't wait to read them in French ^^) Good luck for the next ones!!

Didules 10/31/2013 02:14:30   
SkillDraw 20

Thank you for following us!

SkillDraw 11/03/2013 21:44:30   
Bellatrice 33

I love David who is checking the girls out.
Very nice the new cover !!

Bellatrice 11/03/2013 09:31:32   
SkillDraw 20

Hehehe... It's a reflex action we males have, I think... One that can get us in troubles, too... :P

You like the cover? Yay!

SkillDraw 11/03/2013 21:46:12   

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Doodling Around: cover




Автор :

Команда : , ,

Original Language: English

Тип : Комиксы

Жанры : Юмор

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