This is one of the most awaited battles of the second round, the Pariah team against Rabiox team!
It is rumored that there's tensions between this two teams and they will probable slip a couple of concealed hits!
OK, let's skip stupid pretensions and crack some skulls.
I'll fight the strongest of you.
K'sara why don't you fight the boy?
Ah? He's clearly the weakest.
Think about it, he seems to be like those heroes in the novels I give you, those who seem weak but they have some superior hidden power.
Ooh you are right.
Which is that you are reading now? Fifty shades of...
Don't waste time K'sara!
Ah... Could you give some attention to the monsters? They are getting bored...
"fifty shades of..."? :tongue:
Oh my, K'sara who will fight the weakest, it's hilarious!
Bellatrice 11/03/2014 22:07:58Автор
He have to die someday
Guildadventure 01/10/2015 11:35:41