The Reika and Leika hour
We are back with the questions from the lecteurs!
How Reika and Leika see themselves in five years?
How Leika see herself in five years
How Reika see herself in five years
So, K'sara and Europa are a couple or not?
Weeel, to be honest, we don't have any fucking idea. We better ask them.
Being in the snow with my lover like this immerses me in a special feeling I like it.
Come here you will not talk bullshit when I kill you!
Well, it seems they are not dating but their relationship i complicated.
If you want to know more on their relationship, you can buy the comic monster girls on tour on the store on our web
The joke with K'sara makes reference to the meme Special feeling
Guildadventure 03/21/2015 14:38:23There's only a few days left to participate in the monster design contest