Everyone needs protecting even when most of the men have been gone for a ring of moons already.
As you must travel fast, we decided to split up in two groups.
Ecnu will be traveling with you as you seem to trust him already.
W-wait just a moment. That is his name?
Just like us he wants help battling the creatures.
Don't worry Ayo.
Your Aunti Tenda will be joining you as well.
I don't like it either.
But it is better my future great Grandchild is born within a city instead of on the run.
What, when?
Haven't you noticed?
I was already a pink moon pregnant before your cousin left.
I am counting on you Ecnu.
I know she is no use damaged. She will be kept safe. You have my word.
No matter what lays ahead of you... be strong, granddaughter
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