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4 комментарии
Toh 7

I am experimenting with a new technique for stronger shadows and lines. Tell me what you think about it, and all kind of critiques are welcome.

Toh 12/19/2011 17:58:23   
sunpath 5

като цяло ми харесва. има по-голяма дълбочина, но трябва да поработиш още върху персонажа на дамата щото не си личи да е дама много много

sunpath 12/19/2011 23:00:50   
Zato 5

Merci d'avoir sauvé ce courageux guerrier !

Zato 12/20/2011 18:58:10   
TroyB 41

Zato сказал:Merci d'avoir sauvé ce courageux guerrier !

I think you got confused between the english and the french version . But thanks for the comment Zato .
FR: je crois que tu t'es trompé de version et que tu voulais laisser un commentaire sur la VF

TroyB 12/20/2011 19:15:11   

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