What your symbiosis really does is push the element of the equipment beyond their limits.
The element is irrelevant, I'm sure that any weapon you touch you can make it to operate beyond its normal capabilities.
Hehe, well, maybe I'm a little spectacular.
And that explains why my cannon overheated.
And yours Reika is even more spectacular!
You surpass the limit so much that the weapons get overcharged and explode, releasing all their essence!
It's a one use trick, but a lot more devastating than a normal symbiosis.
I only know one person with that power...
Nord Lure, the champion of the North and a member of my legendary hunters team.
That's flattering, but we are not related to him, we are Goldsmith.
Did you say Goldsmith?
I know that last name.
Leika had about 2 seconds of glory xD
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