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7 комментарии
Ouroboros 28

what a loser

Ouroboros 10/09/2016 10:02:01   
FrenchKizz 32

Indeed X)

FrenchKizz 10/09/2016 23:58:40   
Honkatron 1

Oh boy, the complaining players... Yeah, we know them well.

Honkatron 10/09/2016 12:18:29   
FrenchKizz 32

You do ?

FrenchKizz 10/09/2016 23:58:59   
Transformer83 1

right because you fail so it must be a coding error. Its not like your too week or anything

Transformer83 10/15/2016 18:28:35   
FrenchKizz 32

hahaha indeed :p

FrenchKizz 10/18/2016 11:34:00   
janus-006 1

I think we gamers can consider ourselves pretty well skewered Kind of sums up most players in a nutshell - but in a sort of affectionate way.

janus-006 11/25/2016 12:41:41   

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Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Понедельник, Пятница

Тип : манга

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