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8 комментарии
Honkatron 1

I just joined so I could say thanks to the artist and the writer. This is an intriguing and funny story.

Honkatron 10/06/2016 17:51:03   
FrenchKizz 32

thank you, I hope you'll like what is coming ahead

FrenchKizz 10/06/2016 20:44:04   
Noisekeeper 1

Liking what I've read so far! Good art and funny dialogue.

Poor ogre though, has to put up with a lot of craziness lol.

Noisekeeper 10/09/2016 03:15:44   
FrenchKizz 32

Maybe he'll like it :p

FrenchKizz 10/18/2016 11:29:42   
G3-X 1

Haha, the guy got rekt! XD

G3-X 10/15/2016 18:15:52   
FrenchKizz 32

totally XD

FrenchKizz 10/18/2016 11:30:24   
Transformer83 1

npcs do tend to find a way to wonder into other areas

Transformer83 10/15/2016 18:42:58   
voluminousnano 1

i like the movement of her hair x3

voluminousnano 10/29/2016 18:09:14   

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Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Понедельник, Пятница

Тип : манга

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