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7 комментарии
Ouroboros 28

Hmmmm something tells me this girl was not a warrior amazon at home.
At best a spoiled noble at worse a serve.

Ouroboros 10/16/2016 10:02:20   
PookyCherie 8

we'll see if you are right ...

PookyCherie 10/17/2016 14:48:21   
TheGalka 2

... well i didn't see this coming.

TheGalka 10/16/2016 12:42:36   
PookyCherie 8

...and there are more suprises waiting for you...

PookyCherie 10/17/2016 14:51:04   
SirVile67 1

He should probably change the subject, else she'll just get more depressed. lol

SirVile67 10/22/2016 11:38:21   
super-spartan 3

you made her cry

super-spartan 10/22/2016 18:19:09   
Transformer83 1

he's not very good at sweet talking a girl.

Transformer83 10/29/2016 15:48:28   

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Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Понедельник, Пятница

Тип : манга

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