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5 комментарии
Khordel 45

Ah, ouais, elle avait vraiment besoin d'un câlin...

Par contre, je me demande qui l'appelait, pour qu'elle ne prenne pas l'appel.

Bonne continuation

Khordel 03/28/2017 12:48:49   
Pauart 24

C'est Alex qui l'appelle, si tu regardes bien tu peux voir qu'elle tient un téléphone. C'est sa réponse au "Appelle quelqu'un ou je sais pas" de Cora ×)

Pauart 03/28/2017 12:55:18   
Khordel 45

Pauart сказал:C'est Alex qui l'appelle, si tu regardes bien tu peux voir qu'elle tient un téléphone. C'est sa réponse au "Appelle quelqu'un ou je sais pas" de Cora ×)

Donc pour avoir son câlin... elle appelle la personne en face d'elle?


Elles sont vraiment spéciales, ces demoiselles

Khordel 03/28/2017 12:59:52   
Pauart 24

Eh oui, elle a de la suite dans les idées ×)

Pauart 03/28/2017 13:13:33   
Sandymoon 52

Wowo comment elle l'a bien eue !

Sandymoon 05/31/2017 23:19:35   
10 comments in other languages.
venuu 19

r we going 2 see a version of cell in this universe?


venuu 06/13/2017 21:08:33   
Chewys 31

And that my friend is one of the very few things of the story i have not decided yet


Chewys 06/13/2017 22:32:37   
venuu 19

it would be a interesting version at least, personality wise he should be diff and look wise as well


venuu 06/15/2017 20:41:30   
Chewys 31

This page is the second and last completly stolen fron Dragon Ball Sai, super Vegeta Den, of Dragon Garow Lee!! I'm sorry Lee!


Chewys 06/13/2017 22:30:19   
Lord Mega 1

I wonder how things will go with the freeza saga in this comic, since there probably wont be any saiyans, since they wont have any reason to go to earth, since goku's dead.
I am very interested as to how a lot of aspects will work without goku showing up.


Lord Mega 01/07/2018 20:30:58   
RegiFist 2

I feel doctor gyro would first try to save the survivors, fail, and then make them into cyborgs.


RegiFist 05/30/2019 08:32:03   
Kell Brower 6

So Buyon is a Gero's creature and not an alien?


Kell Brower 02/01/2021 17:26:28   
Chewys 31

Yep... That's correct...

But also, after doing it this way i thought he could have been a surviving Demon from the first Piccolo's era: Namekian like anthenas, four fingers, no nose... I mean, he could have been green for all we know. But Toei painted it pink...

And that's why, because he was pink, i didn't consider him for being a demon... But the truth is he would have been a nice link between the old Piccolo's era and his new rise to power.


Chewys 02/01/2021 17:49:50   
Forofgold 28

Cell Version antigua


Forofgold 06/16/2021 22:45:28   
Ap0caliptic0t0tal 12

¿Buyon es una creación de Gero? Hmmm es lógico, va de la mano con la futura creación de Cell, me convence más que lo de que es un hijo ancestral superviviente de Piccolo.

Con el inmenso intelecto de Gero, y en vista del super radar del dragón que tiene la Red Ribbon, me sorprende que nunca intentará pedirle un deseo, aunque tal vez solo es bueno en robotica y biotecnología (también existe la posibilidad de que fue Gero quien invento el radar del dragón de la Red Ribbon).


Ap0caliptic0t0tal 11/29/2023 13:07:18   

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Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: каждый день

Тип : манга

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