Sorry once again ... : (Is that this week was even more complicated! (Paint as soon as possible
babee11/26/2011 14:26:33
I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny
Ruleslemanga11/27/2011 03:29:05
15 Автор
Ruleslemanga сказал:I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny I´m glad you like it! thanks and continue the read my story ehee
babee11/27/2011 19:42:28
I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing
NanaJ11/27/2011 13:44:34
15 Автор
NanaJ сказал:I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing Great! Thanks
babee11/27/2011 19:43:58
Good work!
Michaël11/28/2011 20:31:23
15 Автор
Michaël сказал:Good work! Thanks one more time! I glad you like it! don´t have colour in this page but a few days and I bring the colour back!
babee11/29/2011 01:46:32
babee сказал: Michaël сказал:Good work!Thanks one more time! I glad you like it! don´t have colour in this page but a few days and I bring the colour back! So good!
You can translate this comic via our online interface. Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude. Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds.
Sorry once again ... : (Is that this week was even more complicated! (Paint as soon as possible
babee 11/26/2011 14:26:33I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny
Ruleslemanga 11/27/2011 03:29:05Автор
Ruleslemanga сказал:I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny
I´m glad you like it! thanks and continue the read my story ehee
babee 11/27/2011 19:42:28I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing
NanaJ 11/27/2011 13:44:34Автор
NanaJ сказал:I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing
Great! Thanks
babee 11/27/2011 19:43:58Good work!
Michaël 11/28/2011 20:31:23Автор
Michaël сказал:Good work!
Thanks one more time! I glad you like it!
don´t have colour in this page
but a few days and I bring the colour back! 
babee 11/29/2011 01:46:32babee сказал: Michaël сказал:Good work!
Thanks one more time! I glad you like it!
don´t have colour in this page
but a few days and I bring the colour back!
So good!
Michaël 11/29/2011 21:40:18