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7 комментарии
babee 15

Oh Mink...good luck!

babee 01/09/2012 02:18:49   
NanaJ 16

She will survive, she's the main character after all.

NanaJ 01/09/2012 22:07:27   
babee 15

NanaJ сказал:She will survive, she's the main character after all. NanaJ сказал:She will survive, she's the main character after all. Oh yeah!

babee 01/10/2012 04:05:01   
Maew-RS 2


Maew-RS 01/09/2012 04:04:47   
NanaJ 16

Maew-RS сказал:Whoa! ::

NanaJ 01/09/2012 22:11:38   
Drawly 11

I really love the colors, they are so weird but mach perfectly. ^^ You have a style of your own and that is awesome ^^

Drawly 01/18/2012 16:22:59   
NanaJ 16

Thank you! I'm really trying to create my own style, and to be recognizable.

NanaJ 01/18/2012 17:11:54   

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