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5 комментарии
venuu 19

Double swords reminds of the double keyblades from Kingdom Hearts for some reason. I wonder is She-ra going 2 be mixed with Gohan or because the new She-ra cartoon that is going 2 be skipped?

venuu 12/01/2018 23:11:03   
Ouroboros 28

I see more an other 80's early 90's sword pose in it, the magical Ginzu sword wielded by Speedy Cerviche the mid as he unleashes the Cat's Eye Slash.

Ouroboros 12/02/2018 11:07:18   
venuu 19

i loved that show when i was a kid, has been a loooooong while since i saw it, so i forgot the pose

venuu 12/03/2018 00:30:50   
Salagir 32

Congrats Ouroboros, you perfectly guessed from the spoiler image!

Salagir 12/09/2018 21:28:41   
Chewys 31

Woahhhh!! Now that´s what is called knowing your shows hahaha!

Chewys 01/16/2019 21:02:29   

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Super Dragon Bros Z: cover




Автор : ,

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : Salagir

Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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