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10 комментарии
luca1 6

Does Yamcha have a pure enough heart to ride Kinto? I'am ok with Gohan but Yamcha?

luca1 10/09/2018 11:28:52   
Chewys 31

He´s holding to Gohan

Chewys 10/10/2018 00:22:40   
Atan 3

Haha! Poor C-9! He is right! Gohan was very polite! Probably Gero will kidnap poor Yamcha in the future... perhaps after a Sayan invasion?
I think Yamcha is somehow holding to Gohan... but it is a copy-pasta and it can't be very clear.

Atan 10/09/2018 14:46:07   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Wait could this interaction lead Gohan into thinking that Gero and his Androids are good guys, which will ultimately allow Gero to turn Yamcha into A17 w/o having to resort to trickery when the Earth is in danger later down the line?

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/10/2018 05:33:48   
Chewys 31

He´s kind, but also wise ... plus Gero killed Gyumao.

Chewys 10/11/2018 23:18:58   
venuu 19

Would he re-use parts of him 2 create Android 16?

venuu 10/10/2018 21:35:34   
Chewys 31


Chewys 10/11/2018 23:19:08   
Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

This Cyborg/Android is a really nice guy. =)

Kaioken Krillshinhan 10/11/2018 02:30:11   
Chewys 31

Yup he is!

Chewys 10/11/2018 23:19:20   
Salagir 32

Love the humor of this page

Salagir 10/13/2018 17:34:36   

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Информация от команды DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Автор :

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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