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12 комментарии

Nice development
Btw, some corrections: timing ; haven't brought any ; it just BROUGHT ...
And in the second panel I'd say "give us your senzu", as he can lend them his strength but he just gives them the senzu.

MATTIA IL DIVINO 05/23/2019 12:03:39   
Chewys 31

Ok!! Corrected!! Thanks!!

Chewys 05/23/2019 12:37:08   
Ouroboros 28

Nimbus sadly wasn't abble to spil the beans.

Ouroboros 05/23/2019 18:14:32   
Jason Phoenix 11

.......In retrospect we should've guessed this would happen. I mean talking with clouds? Godammit Yamcha

Jason Phoenix 05/23/2019 21:26:46   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

D'oh! I didn't see that one coming. Yamcha had a stroke of bad luck! I love this though. The situation is even more tense now, because there aren't any Senzus to bail them out. Hopefully Krillin and Master Roshi have a few spares to lend to Tien. I'm still surprised he can stand at this point. He's taken so much damage!

Also, Gohan is the weakest link right now. Yamcha and his master better have a good plan, otherwise this may get ugly. Gohan has already been wished back once with the Dragon Balls. He cannot afford to die again!

The same is true for Roshi, since he was wished back once too. But I'm glad to see he actually trained with Krillin and became a lot stronger! The master has learned from the student! I hope it will be enough to defeat Raditz.

Ultimate-Perfection 05/23/2019 23:12:08   
Rafael955 4

Huahuahuahua that was gold, Salagir should canonize your story, at least this part lmao.

Rafael955 05/24/2019 02:59:10   
Faloon 2

So 388 is Krilling? He and Yamcha of 365 are close, really close. Around 7% of one another.

Faloon 05/24/2019 09:57:03   

I told Klington to bring them with you is better, more natural.

Glad you're back

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 05/24/2019 14:26:43   
Cell3 4

Gohan can use the mafuba maybe?

Cell3 05/24/2019 20:13:50   
Yienzu 5

Hahaha "How was I supposed to know that!?" that's hilarious! He thought it was a birthday party xD

I love Raditz' reaction too. Even though they are far below him, since he knows they can focus their power to jump up to nearly a full 1000 so far he knows he is in trouble from a coordinated group that can do that all together. This just keeps getting better and better!

Yienzu 05/24/2019 23:01:20   
Salagir 32

Lol Gohan

Salagir 02/05/2020 21:41:54   
Kuba4ful 1

my favourite page in this whole comic lol. it's a good joke because you could kind of predict it, but let's be fair, no one would be able to

Kuba4ful 03/11/2021 21:21:31   

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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Автор :

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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