Interesante, esta invasión seguramente atraerá la atención de los terrícolas de todo el mundo. Esto ahora ayudará a atraer más guerreros a las filas Z, así como a entrenar para Roshi y el Yamcha. Fue bastante inteligente, entonces puede incluir varios caracteres como; Hércules] [Mr. Satan, Rey Chappa, Yajirobe, Pamput y Ranfan (la única MUJER).
Y puedes poner a no humanos como el monstruo del dinosaurio Giran, y también a criaturas del más allá de la tumba, como Akkuman, Dracula Man, Invisible Man, Mummy Man (Guerreros de la abuela Uranai). Sin parecer libre o innecesario. También puedes ver si incluso entrenaron o evolucionaron, sin mencionar que el Rey de la Tierra pedirá ayudar a los héroes que derrotaron a Piccolo Daimaoh una vez más, ESO puede cambiar la relación CÓMO interactúan los Z con el mundo, tal vez el universo más de ahora en adelante.
That planet doesn't look like Earth. If I'm right that it's not Earth, then I'd imagine that Raditz might've been ordered by Vegeta to disable the tracking of him via his Scouter on the previous planet he was sent to conquer and to make it seem like he'd eliminated most of life on that planet before he did so.
It's either that or Chewys' couldn't find a suitable image of Earth to use for this purpose so he used a different planet image he found somewhere.
I thought so. I figured it would be weird for you to not be able to find a suitable image of Earth viewed from outer space, so the only logical explanation was it was the previous planet he had been on before he visited Earth.
Translate Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 11/19/2019 13:52:45I see. Well now that's cleared up. Well then I guess what Ouroboros said is true then that Yamcha now can take out some cannon fodder soldiers.
Translate Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 11/20/2019 03:41:42Muy bien pensado chewys, les servirá de entrenamiento y además veremos a yamcha de garow lee repartiendo haha
Translate Prince Raditz 11/19/2019 10:38:18you have an earth picture at DBS
Seuls les membres de l'équipe peuvent poster des liens !
but maybe too small ?
for me i don't care ^^ this will not change how cool your fiction and work is
Ni dejan descansar estos soldados a nuestros valientes heroes. Ojala estos ultimos le pateen el trasero como es debido.
Translate Compentente Garlic Jr 11/19/2019 19:34:58me gusta como excusa para que los guerreros que estan vivos superen sus limites entrenando hacia el futuro no pensando que ya que eliminan una amenaza la tierra estara con periodos de paz prolongados
Translate darkbolt99 11/19/2019 21:15:29This is getting interesting. Looks like the low level squad that Raditz mentioned actually picked up the intelligence gathered from his battle on Earth.
They might be close to Raditz's power level, but I assume that Yamcha and Master Roshi are now strong enough to deal with them after drinking Kami's Divine Water.
This would give some good exposition on the progress of their power levels. Hopefully Kami will actually train with the two of them and gain a strength increase as well!
Interestingly, this invasion is sure to attract the attention of earthlings around the world. This will now help attract more warriors into the Z ranks, as well as training for Roshi and PRO Yamcha. It was pretty [clever, to include several characters such as; Hercules] [Mr. Satan, King Chappa, Yajirobe, Pamput and Ranfan (the only WOMAN).
And you can put nonhumans like the Giran dinosaur monster, and creatures from beyond the grave like Akkuman, Dracula Man, Invisible Man, Mummy Man (Grandma Uranai's Warriors). Without seeming free or unnecessary. You can also see if they even trained or evolved, not to mention that the King of the Earth will ask to help the heroes who defeated Piccolo Daimaoh once again, THAT can change the relationship, universe more from now on.
Dude remember that devil guy from Dragon Ball? He can kill everybody xD
Translate This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 11/20/2019 22:42:39His name is Akkuman is a demon from Hell who works as one of Grandma Uranai's fighters. Even having low fighting power he has a deadly technique that is capable of destroying any mortal creature. This technique is the "Deadly Splendor of the Devil", it causes the evil contained in the hearts of individuals to grow and destroy them, exploding them. Only those with a pure heart are immune to this technique.
Translate TotalmentoTulio 11/21/2019 02:52:51I would really love to see Kami and Haarp play a more active role in defending Earth, being the only Namekians on Earth.
Since King Piccolo was never defeated into spewing out the egg containing Piccolo Jr, their race is at a disadvantage right now. Being only an elite class Mutant Namek offspring instead of a reincarnation of Piccolo, Haarp doesn't seem to have as much potential as Piccolo Jr. Hopefully by training with King Kai, he can overcome this weakness.
Without any pure-hearted Saiyans like Goku or Gohan, the Earthlings would have an incredibly tough time defeating enemies beyond Super Saiyan-tier. Maybe Kami would be forced to take a more active role in U9 by training, possibly regaining his eternal youth and fuse back into the Nameless Namekian? He would actually be able to defeat most enemies that are below Perfect Cell-tier.
This is the story about the earthlings, the earthlings have to solve their own problems. If they can't do it then they die.
Finding an alternative like Kami fusing would just be a repeat of universe 3. And we will see how that plays out someday.
And you say having trouble defeating people beyond super saiyan tier, but who would they fight beyond super saiyan tier? Only Cell and majin Buu are beyond super saiyan tier. Cell will obviously be different in this universe and mahin buu needs to be released first. And if he is, they either have to reseal him or it's game over. Earthlings will never be able to fight majin buu.
Not really, they (the Z Warriors) even though Majin Boo is released would not lose (AT LEAST NOT MISSING), they could appeal to the Metamoru fusion (dance) or the Potara fusion (earrings), the dance multiplies the users' power for each other, it doesn't add up, it multiplies so it's so powerful.
Prior to this his hidden powers can be unleashed by Namekusei's GURU, or Old Kaiohshin (Rō Kaiōshin) although it is almost certain that he will not be released before the MULTIVERSO tournament in DBM. Not to mention that they can use Master Mutaito's creation technique of MAFUBA (Mafūba), then simply wish that the container used to hold the creature be sent to the nucleus of the UNIVERSE HOTTEST star and Majin Boo would die instantly because it would turn to dust in a micro second.
See, a clever and far more useful strategy, although they (WARRIORS Z) could get even more overpower if THEY seized Akkuman's "Deadly Splendor", this technique multiplies the evil in the opponent's heart until it explodes, nor a mortal who does not have a pure and good heart can survive it.
Yes, it is a story about the Earthlings. I just really like Kami as a character, and he really came in well to help against the fight against Raditz. It's sad to see him become quickly irrelevant in another Dragon Ball series since Namekians have such unique abilites. The Saiyans really overshadowed everyone in Dragon Ball Z.
The Earth in U9 will need all of the help she can get. No Saiyans means they will struggle a lot more with greater threats without teamwork.
Having a Guardian of Earth that takes more responsibility in saving his planet would be really neat.
We are already seeing this happen by Kami not just training one martial artist at The Lookout like Goku, but all of the Turtle School and Crane School disciples. Kami also made Mr. Popo interfere to stop King Piccolo's elite children from re-releasing him from the rice cooker; there is also Kami and Popo fighting Raditz as mentioned earlier. Kami only interfered once in canon by fighting Piccolo Jr in the 23rd Budokai, as well as coercing Tien to kill him to stop Piccolo after he beat down Goku.
I thought it would be neat to see a role reversal of U3 by seeing Kami fuse with King Piccolo or another Namekian, but having Kami as the base.
Chewys has taken a lot of creative liberties by not following exactly what Salagir has envisioned in his version of Universe 9.
Kami wouldn't be Kami anymore though, he would allow his darker desires back into his heart, just like how u3 Piccolo eased up on the earthlings due to his conflicting fondness for them after fusing.
But yeah, he definitely stepped up his game here, but that's only natural I think.
Kami only stepped in when he saw that Raditz would win against the z warriors, in Z, that never happened. And we gotta give props for that. He may not be a perfect guardian, but he does his job well when the situation really calls for it.
kami wouldn't be kami anymore though, like how Piccolo gained "good intentions" Kami would gain "bad intentions". He'd "allow his darker desires into his heart again".
And that's assuming Piccolo would even agree to it.
These poor guys must have been all packed on each other inside this ship
Translate Salagir 09/20/2020 11:35:50Автор : Chewys
Команда : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Original Language: Español
Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота
Тип : манга
Жанры : Боевик
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Raditz was just... "saiyan"..? Hahaha-I'll see myself out...
Jason Phoenix 10/05/2019 10:54:16Hey, no need for you to go. Stay have a drink and enjoy the show. Saiyan "saiyan" instead of "saying" is my favorite pun of all time, so at least from me there are no issues with you using that pun.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/05/2019 12:52:54------------------------------------------------------------
"Chewys" сказал:
BTW Chewys you misspelled "nonsense". It's "nonsense", not "nonsene". Also you missed a perfectly good opportunity to have Kami use the best DB pun of all time, "Saiyan" instead of "saying". Though I guess you could always edit it to fix that if you so chose to do so.
That wasn't Chewys, that was me.
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/05/2019 14:39:19I just overlooked it, thanks for pointing it out
Lol Raditz died with the last laugh.
Rafael955 10/05/2019 17:23:42So Kami was just too good to kill Raditz himself, huh
JoKar1007 10/05/2019 18:22:21I'm pretty sure Kami did kill Raditz; it just cut away to the aftermath panel, much like it did with Piccolo Jr killing Raditz in the original manga. Besides, Raditz killed Mr. Popo! Of course Kami would kill just in order to get even!
Ultimate-Perfection 10/06/2019 07:19:27Darn, Kami is absolutely tearing Yamcha apart... He has a reason to be upset though. His longtime assistant and friend Mr. Popo was brutally killed by Raditz, and now two more ridiculously powerful Saiyans are now coming to Earth in less than a year?! Absolute madness to him!
Ultimate-Perfection 10/06/2019 07:17:58Kami must also be donning his guardian outfit and preparing to guide the souls of Krillin, Tien and the others to King Yemma's office and try to grant them permission to train with King Kai.
It's also good for Yamcha to get some character development. Kami really gave him some humility, something that canon Yamcha sorely lacked. Hopefully he will gain some maturity and realize what's at stake from now on. He just lost his two masters and his best friends. I cannot see this version of Yamcha being killed by a Saibaman! He has too much on the line now to just carelessly throw away his life like that!
Happy birthday Chewys
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/06/2019 10:46:31Автор
Ohhh!! Wow!!! Thanks Boomstick!!
Chewys 10/06/2019 14:00:06Had no idea it was your birthday 2 days ago. Anyways Happy Belated Birthday Chewys.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/08/2019 15:10:59fact is, even if yamcha didnt blurt out information about dragonballs, vegeta and nappa might still have come to earth since its a nice planet to sell
kcheeb 10/07/2019 02:16:51Actually they only came to Earth in the original series because they wanted to use the DBs to gain immortality and if the DBs hadn't existed they would've never came to Earth at least not until Frieza ordered them to go to Earth to conquer it. Instead as DBM established, I think Vegeta and Nappa would've gone to complete attempt the Helior Mission despite it possible ending in failure and unbeknownst to them it being guaranteed to end in failure in any Universe that they didn't have enough powerful warriors to attempt to conquer it (only DBM U13 had the Saiyans complete the task, but that was because Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, and Kakarot all tackled the mission together and because they had the Blutz Wave Mini-Lamps that would allow only the Saiyans who activated their Mini-Lamps to turn into Oozarus unlike all Saiyans if they turned by the power of the full moon or the Blutz Wave Power Ball).
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/08/2019 14:58:29I assume any Universe that didn't have Kakarot and Raditz to help Vegeta and Nappa conquer Helior would only have them succeed if like a member of the Ginyu Force other than Guldo assisted the mission, but honestly I'd imagine that Vegeta and Nappa would be accomplishing little in that situation and the bulk of the mission would be done by whichever Ginyu Force member joined them in the mission. Hell I think it's possible that 1 or 2 Ginyu Force members would be enough to conquer Helior as long as Guldo was only part of 2 Ginyu Force members tackling the mission, not if he was soloing it because Guldo is super weak and only is a member of the Ginyu Force because his temporary time freeze ability is extremely useful for durations when he can hold his breath, but a single attack from a Heliorite that Guldo didn't see coming and therefore didn't activate his time freeze ability to dodge or get saved by a second Ginyu Force member and well Guldo would die on Helior hence why he couldn't solo the mission and would only be a useful part of the mission team if joined by another Ginyu Force member.
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worldwa1 10/07/2019 12:25:17Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members!
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