Автор : Chewys
Команда : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Original Language: Español
Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота
Тип : манга
Жанры : Боевик
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Yamcha doesn't play around.
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 07/24/2020 11:25:55Holy shit.
They already faced Raditz.
Cattivone 07/25/2020 10:29:36They'ee aware they have no time to play around, give those bastards their best shot and try to lill them immediately.
I still wonder if Yamcha and Roshi stands a chance against Nappa though, of courde the main event will be against Vegeta/Kiwi
Napa just need to make his ki explode to through away all these balls.
alain57 07/25/2020 10:42:10But will he do that?
Anyway he is just a bit scratch from rishi's strongest attack.
Yamaha need to be a lot stronger than roshi in order to seriously injure Napa.
I doubt that he can kill him.
I can imagine Napa a bit injured, going mad for that and sending the same attack he sent over our kid Gohan.
And roshi so sacrificed himself like picolo did. Yamaha nearly ko.
Kiwi comes and see that there is only the sayen standing decide to toy with Napa.
Then Vegeta wake up, see the moon and transform into ozaru
The cyborg came and were almost all destroyed but managed to cut his tail.
And the resurected guys finished him but at hard cost...
Gero took all heavy injured body and turns them into cyborgs.
But a lot stronger than the other as they were no match against the giant ape.
Well Yamcha, this technique looks like Piccolo's in his execution. Well thought Yamcha, Nappa cannot escape so many sokidan's
João Vitor 07/25/2020 16:28:53It's because it essentially is. I'm pretty sure Chewys' took this from the manga when Piccolo used his technique on C17. If you look at that bottom panel, you can clearly see the islands below, which is what has lead me to come to that conclusion.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 07/25/2020 18:03:27Oh yeah, here we go! Hellzone Sokidan! That will have to inflict some damage on Nappa for sure.
Ultimate-Perfection 07/25/2020 18:04:01I wonder if Chewys drew on inspiration from RMK’s Dragon Ball Z Elsewhere fan-manga? In that story, Yamcha trains really hard and fights Goku in the Other World and eventually breaks out his own twist on the Hellzone Sokidan (although that Yamcha used a variant of the Genkidama with it to steal Goku’s energy with every hit and use it against him)
Hellzone Sokidan just doesn't have the same ring as Hellzone Grenade. That's why I am more partial to calling it the Sokidan Mine Field technique.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 07/25/2020 18:06:53Yes! Hellzone Sokidan! Or like Kor suggested putting Sokidan at the start sounds better but I like to hear hellzone in it to so... Sokidan Hellzone?
Yienzu 07/25/2020 19:20:29I really loved that Elsewhere fight too. The whole concept of "while fighting a human, if you have to go super saiyan you lost" is perfect. Kind of like the Bojack movie where Tien was going hard on Trunks and he had to transform too.
Hahaha! Yeah, i saw it too on Elsewhere. The truth is that the obvious evolution of the Sokidan is either a big Sokidan or a multi Sokidan. And a multisokidan is much more interesting. When i first thought of this technique a couple of years ago i imagined the many balls hitting Raditz and Nappa from all directions. But then in the fight against Haarp i came Up with the idea of exploding Sokidans... so i knew since then what was going to happen here and i knew i was going to use Piccolo's hellzone granade panels
Chewys 07/26/2020 03:42:14I wonder what you've decided to have him call this technique, Chewys. I'm partial to calling it the Sokidan Mine Field technique.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 07/25/2020 18:05:11Chewys сказал:
Faloon 07/25/2020 19:54:02Автор
Hahaha. I don't want yo steal Piccolo's epic name (i already stole his panels
). It's just Multi Sokidan, as Yamcha said last page
Chewys 07/26/2020 03:44:13SPIRITZONE GRENADE!!
Faloon 07/25/2020 19:53:25