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9 комментарии

Credit goes to Demerzel for translating this wall of text.
I just had to polish it a bit.

Thank you Demer, you saved me 30 minutes of work this evening xD

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 07/05/2021 22:27:32   
Chewys 31

Hahaha, i did that translation so that you could polish and Demer got to copy it

Chewys 07/06/2021 01:34:11   
Chewys 31

Ah! Right!! Here are the links

Thank you all

Chewys 07/06/2021 01:41:22   
alain57 4

Hi Chewys,
an other option may be to ask to be on the DBM page ?
I mean currently on DBM there is a second manga that was first entirely released on an other french fanfic site.
But maybe in that case salagir may ask you to start again from the first page and to release one or 2 pages per week.

you could for ex do this to gain some new fans, and have another page (maybe facebook) where the story follow the current timeline

and if some idiots start to spoil or do shit, on the DBM page, maybe salagirs moderator team will already react faster than here ?

let be honest : the DBM comments are often full of strange crazy trolls ^^ and from my point of view, the trolls are not interesting. It is the story and your talent

alain57 07/06/2021 09:49:19   
Chewys 31

Hey Alain!!! Well, actually Salagir had thought of Goten Kuns cómic and mine originally to be in the DBM page. We talked about it last year.
But then this year he thought that would canibalize Amilova, and also i had to close the Patreon since Multiverse has a strict policy of not accepting incomes from collaborations or donations (as you know, there aren't even ads in the DBM main page).

So, in the end the comic stayed here in Amilova.

Chewys 07/06/2021 12:02:18   
luca1 6

Does that mean that Salagir officially acknowledges that your comic is a dbm canon? Meaning - there won't be any other Specials about uni 3 and uni 9 events not covered by your story on the dbm page? Sorry if it was already said somewhere and I missed it - for what its worth imo your comic is really awesome and faithful to everything db stands for and IS everything we are expecting of those two universes - so I hope that is the case

luca1 07/07/2021 11:59:24   
Chewys 31

Oh, nonono. This is not canon for DBM.
Salagir is the owner of Amilova and writer of DBM. This comic is based on DBM and DB, but it´s not cannon for DBM. Salagir just gave me this space

Chewys 07/07/2021 22:18:21   
luca1 6

Oh - too bad - so we can expect more specials repeating - to a certain point - your story - it too might be interesting I guess - the only thing that bugs me is why would Salagir offered you space on dbm page if he is planning to go with his own version of events for those universes.. but maybe avoiding confusion later as to which version is canon was one of the reasons why you both decided not to do that - that makes sense too. Anyway - to bad - I think your story is more than fitting to be a dbm canon Can't wait for more

luca1 07/08/2021 09:40:43   
ebilly 3

Well good luck guys. I am sorry people are relating spoilers.

ebilly 07/06/2021 17:05:45   

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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Автор :

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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