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6 комментарии
stephane censi 20

Thanks for this translation! The next pages are coming soon! c u!

stephane censi 11/17/2011 00:04:12   
Kamisama 1

very your manga Stephane I'm happy to read more cool things in english are you italian ?

Kamisama 11/17/2011 11:44:53   
stephane censi 20

Kamisama сказал:very your manga Stephane I'm happy to read more cool things in english are you italian ?

Yes I've got italian roots Hoping that u will enjoy next chapter!

stephane censi 11/18/2011 15:39:42   
boopie 1

I like it can't wait to see what happens next

boopie 02/25/2012 17:39:57   
stephane censi 20

boopie сказал:I like it can't wait to see what happens next

next chapter soon

stephane censi 02/25/2012 19:15:48   
boopie 1

can't wait i know it will ne great

boopie 02/26/2012 04:16:35   

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Автор :

Команда :

Переводчик: : abby19

Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Понедельник

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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