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13 комментарии
Chewys 31

Haarp being impaled from behind was made by the great Torrijos.

Chewys 09/18/2021 21:19:16   
John Boredonquixote 10

Who the heck is that? Could it be Salza? The haircut looks a bit similar
Damn you Chewys! Didn't expect a twist at this point! Aaaah, when is the next page coming

John Boredonquixote 09/18/2021 22:07:07   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

I recognize who it is. It's one of Dr. Gero's cyborgs, more specifically Cyborg-14 (formerly General Blue). I can tell by his blond hair and his gloves. They look exactly the same as C-14's gloves as shown in the Chapter 20, Page 6 preview. That preview panel also succeeds the one of Haarp using Kaioken and shows C-14 standing on a rock cliff, much like the last panel here.

Ultimate-Perfection 09/18/2021 23:07:22   
TotalmentoTulio 19

I don't believe it's Gero's Androids/Cyborgs, he has no reason to help the Z Warriors or get his hands dirty by killing them, for me they are henchmen, I imagine Cooler's henchmen HAVE come to Earth to PUNISH Monkey Prince Vegeta and catch the Dragon Balls! Well, that Cooler doesn't forgive or waste time I already imagined, now things will get worse.

TotalmentoTulio 09/19/2021 07:35:27   
Jason Phoenix 11

Hey, come on xd

We had a big suspense thing going on.... U right though

Jason Phoenix 09/20/2021 14:00:31   
Rahvu 7

Enter cyborgs! if Tao Pai Pai is C-13 i suppose this hand is from C-11 or 12.. or 14 or 15 i suppose

Rahvu 09/18/2021 22:23:53   
JoKar1007 5

GORKOR THE GREATEST!!! I call it, you heard ir here first

JoKar1007 09/18/2021 22:56:51   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Oh no, poor Haarp! I wonder how strong this new threat is? They were easily able to shoot a hole into Haarp's chest despite him using Kaioken x5, around a power level of 30,000. I think it might be Dr. Gero and his cyborgs from the looks of it!

I do remember that Dr. Gero seeks revenge on King Piccolo and his sons in this universe, so maybe he sent one of his cyborgs to kill him at the right opportunity? The rest of the Earthlings are either dead or too wounded to fight, and Vegeta is also heavily wounded too.

Ultimate-Perfection 09/18/2021 23:04:16   
Rafael955 4

Jesus Christ! I wonder who was that, maybe Salza but, already?

Rafael955 09/19/2021 16:19:55   

Since nobody noticed this man approaching, it has to be one of the cyborgs. Dr. Gero hates Piccolo’s offspring and the Z warriors too. Furthermore, it’s the best moment to interfere now, as Vegeta is also about to kick the bucket.

MATTIA IL DIVINO 09/19/2021 19:36:51   
MightyB 2

ya its likely general blue.Same hair and clothes and glove.Its also a good point that they cant sense him and an attack on haarp right now is the best time for a surprise attack.So many possibilities now.Vegeta with the fake moon and the senzu still there.
Suspence in this saga is amazing.

MightyB 09/19/2021 21:25:27   
Ouroboros 28

Looks like Kami will be gone soonwill it be King Kai now that shows them the way to namek?

Ouroboros 09/19/2021 22:13:47   
Jason Phoenix 11


Excuse my outburst

Jason Phoenix 09/20/2021 13:57:38   

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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Автор :

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : Chewys

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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