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3 комментарии
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Oh so next page she'll still be standing there or she'll be rushing diagonally upwards towards Krillin and King Piccolo so she can break their arms and tear right through them potentially ripping of one of Krillin's hands and both of King Piccolo's forearms due to her speed and forward inertia. Sadly for her and Krillin, they don't know that King Piccolo can regenerate his missing limbs as long as his head is still in tact and he has enough energy to regenerate most likely. For all we know a headless King Piccolo could only regenerate like 90-99% of his body. Oh yeah Perfect Cell could do more than that like have his dismembered limbs seemingly psychically jump up towards the dismembered head and then regenerate until the neck attaches to dismembered head and regenerates the two back together. I don't think it's likely for King Piccolo to do that cuz he shouldn't have a nucleus to move into the legs before dismemberment to move to them towards the dismembered head so it could reattach or just regenerate until there's a new head and the old is either dead or not, but if not is almost dead.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12/17/2022 09:28:51   
Xadirius 1

I'm not entirely sure Piccolo Daimao's regeneration is that good in original Dragonball time period. I believe this mainly because Goku flies through Piccolo to kill him. I'm sure he was low on energy, but had it been better, he would have been able to regenerate instead of dedicating his energy into creating Piccolo Jr.

Even with or without regen, I just don't think the Androids are even really a threat to injure him, at least not fatally. He's mostly playing with them, as he's been without a challenge in so long, and only took the early damage because he was so careless.

Xadirius 12/18/2022 04:16:47   
bnkjk 4

Even Piccolo Jr., after fighting Raditz, used up a good bit of his energy to regenerate one arm. At Daimao's level, doing so would probably leave him unconscious. Regenerating more than that, be it innards or its heart, is completely out of the question.

bnkjk 12/19/2022 10:59:07   

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Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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