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4 комментарии
Rahvu 7

What can A-Ch1-Ch1 do here, she is so much weaker than the other androids, but the again World Champion Mr. Satan is still breathing too..

Rahvu 12/10/2022 21:45:53   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She can't even run away with A-Krill-in here to go live a quite peaceful life with him on Mt Paozu UNLESS Mr Satan is wrong about A-Krill-in being dead when he said, "Those guys are dead."

I mean I guess she might very improbably be able to do that if she's super duper extra lucky with Piccolo deciding to let her go if she were to promise to never do anything more to him and his empire and he also let's her take A-Krill-in with her. Though like I said, it's definitely very improbable that something like that would happen. So unlikely that it might've been pointless to even bring it up.

Of course within the infinite Multiverse, there has to be at least 1 Universe where that course of events happens. So I guess there are at least 2 Universes where the Krill-dawg ends up with A11. One of them being Chewys U9 (it must be; if it isn't we must all stop reading this story in boycott, ok? ).

The other is the incredible rare, but unlikely one where A-Krill-dawg is still alive and King Piccolo decides to let them go because he somehow knows his son in U18 is friends with Krill-dawg of that Universe in the future. Also the second reason being so that A-Krill-dawg can become a voice actor known as KrillDawgVA, who ends up becoming a popular Dragontuber on Dragontube in the Dragon World and marries A-Chi-Chi who also becomes a Dragontuber named Chi-Snap. KrillDawgVA eventually becomes good friends with TheAnimeGuy and Gigg-Uk. And KrillDawgVA and Gigg-Uk eventually move to Space Japan, where they all live happily ever after after creating a Dragontube podcast channel they post podcast videos of their Garbage Taste Podcast.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12/11/2022 00:37:03   
kyssing 1

I just found out about this comic and i immediatly loved it, i hope you keep going with this project of yours because it is just genius.

kyssing 12/11/2022 17:31:29   
Chewys 31

Thank You!!!

Chewys 12/11/2022 20:41:48   

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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Автор :

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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