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4 комментарии
kirma 3

you perv!!

kirma 09/26/2012 15:04:41   
Darius 22

kirma сказал:you perv!! That comment about this matter is lame and childish

Darius 09/26/2012 15:07:03   
kirma 3

Darius сказал: kirma сказал:you perv!! That comment about this matter is lame and childish this page is also childish

kirma 09/26/2012 15:11:00   
Darius 22

kirma сказал: Darius сказал: kirma сказал:you perv!! That comment about this matter is lame and childish this page is also childish
No, is a very important matter explained in a different way than usual for different people.

Darius 09/26/2012 15:23:12   

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