The advetures of a thief, smuggler and assassin taking place in the enchanting world of Elengir! Updates on Saturdays
by Iana Zavi and Natalya Bakay
for more on Elengir - visit
The Thief's Key is a fantasy comic set in the wide world of Elengir. Updates on Saturdays
For now, the comic will be published in black and white, but once we get the colored pages sorted out we'll post up a link to those.
Thanks for reading!
Original Language : English
Обновления : On hold
Жанры : Fantasy - SF
Тип : Комиксы
(Комикс (слева направо))
Number of readers per day
Released pages English: 51
Number of readers: 100159
Average of readers per day: 66
Number of comments: 21
21 comments in other languages.