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2 комментарии
Krayon 17

Sorry I'm late...
Sorry there isn't many frames in this page...
Sorry the text is really big... xD
But she's yelling, I have to show it like I can, don't you think ?
The next page should be up tuesday as planned

Krayon 02/27/2013 16:36:46   
Krayon 17

Well, the 20th page is ready but I have some issues with amilova, I can't upload it for the moment xD
So I suggest you to look at it in the link below until I solve the problem here ^^'
It's a bit big, and it's named 18 because I don't consider the cover + colored pages :p

Krayon 03/05/2013 17:42:18   

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Level UP ! (OLD): cover




Автор :

Команда :

Переводчик: : Krayon

Original Language: Français

Темп публикации: Вторник, Четверг, Суббота, Воскресенье

Тип : манга

Жанры : Юмор

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