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Guild Adventure

Guild Adventure : manga cover

Guild adventure is an adventure comic based on videogames like monster hunter, in wich we will follow the story of a peculiar group of Monster Hunters trying to hunt the greatest prey.

The author of this comic is Alejandro Ricondo (KuKuruYo), artist, graphic designer and gamer Many of the covers and page colors have been made by shugo

Художник :

Переводчик : , и

Original Language : Español

Обновления : On hold

Жанры : Боевик

Тип : манга - Saga
(Комикс (слева направо))

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Ebooks Guild Adventure available from 0.59
Guild Adventure chapter 1 : Volume 1
Volume 1
Guild Adventure chapter 1

Format : PDF
Страницы : 20
Weight : 17.1MB
Цена : 0.59€

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5241 comments in other languages.

Lowfarescanners Lowfarescanners 15Jul гл1 стр1 nice info
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл2 стр7 Interesante explicación
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл2 стр6 Bueno el prota aprenderá algo nuevo
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл2 стр5 Me gustan estos momentos cómicos
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл2 стр4 Las caras de Los personajes son una joya Xd
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл2 стр3 A no es un templo, creo que es más como un bar igual interesante lugar
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл2 стр2 O estás están a color, genial detalle, me gusta el diseño del templo
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл2 стр1 Buena portada, creo que alguien va a recibir un golpe por mirón
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл1 стр16 Jajaja jajaja me encantan estos momentos con estos diseños
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл1 стр15 Jajaja jajaja espero que para ser buen cazador no se necesite también dé una buena orientación xd
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл1 стр14 Parece un buen lugar para vivir, hasta tiene un coliseo para las peleas
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл1 стр13 Jajaja jajaja me encanto ese momento "todos dicen lo mismo"
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл1 стр12 Ataque combinado,o sí
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл1 стр11 Me gusta la combinación entré vestido y armadura, lista para la fiesta y el combate
cooler23 cooler23 12Jan гл1 стр10 Interesante veamos cómo se llevan

Message board : topics about Guild Adventure

Guildadventure New Topic! 25Mar Guild adventure Monster design contest The contest ended, here are the participants and winners. I'll skip the descriptions, since they are all in spanish mind stalker (...)
TroyB New Topic! 29Jun Looking for translator to french for Guild adventure Oh I did not know the french publication stopped. Have you posted this on the french forum ? Troy
Guildadventure New Topic! 6Dec Guild Adventure Anniversary + contest It’s been a year since we published the first chapter of Guild Adventure in the Getxo Comic Convention and we started to upload it (...)
Guildadventure New Topic! 31May All comics - Guild Adventure - Guild Adventure Song We are going to have a video interview soon too xD
TroyB New Topic! 2Jan Guild adventure ilustrations Thanks Kukuruyo and Shugo ;). You're making a great manga, I hope you'll manage to publish more and more great pages ;). And I als (...)
Guildadventure New Topic! 28Dec Guild Adventure Hi, we are glad to present this comic we have been working this months. The name's Guild Adventure ( (...)

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